Sayran Postcards Vol I

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Sayran Postcards Vol I


If you only want to order a postcard email me and happy to give a code for free shipping.

Something 2020 has reignited in me is my love of getting snail mail. I love buying stamps and stationary and sending it to loved ones, and I also love being on the receiving end. I made a very limited batch of these postcards that I sent out to some of ya’ll in the past few months. I will share what each postcard is below.

  1. The Kurdish cup of tea. I took this photo at my grandmother’s house back in January. It was the last time I saw them before I left California. Ever since I have been little, visiting my mother’s parents’ home was like diving into a treasure chest. From my grandfather’s beautiful artwork on the walls, to my grandmother’s homemade dolls that she would sew Kurdish clothes for, to the different kinds of rugs on the floors. To this day I find myself enamored by their home.

  2. Distorted Nazar. This is one of the first things I drew when quarantine started. Drawing for fun kept me distracted and content. The possibilities on pro create are truly endless.

  3. Kurdish “Tasbih” / Prayer beads. I took this photo the last time I visited Kurdistan, Summer of 2017. There’s an alley in Hawler/Erbil that I always visit. It’s where a lot of the men’s items are sold, from materials for cummerbunds to hand stitched “klaw’s” / turban hats, to rows and rows of prayer beads of all colors and materials. They are my favorite gift to buy people when I visit.

  4. Protect Your Essence. I took this photo at the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena last year. It was a man who sold the most beautiful rugs. He had placed these Evil Eye amulet's on top of a stack of the rugs. Loved to see it.

  5. Kurdish Gold Market. Another place I always visit when I’m in Kurdistan is the “gold alley” in the Bazaar in Hawler/Erbil. Such a sight! This is an image from one of the windows.

  6. This is another image I created on pro create. It started out as a single evil eye and after playing more and more with the tools I ended up with this. Felt like an inner mood at the time.

  7. Toni Morrison quote. This quote is something I think all of us should strive to remember always. Always strive to lift others up if you can. There’s room for all of us.

  8. Probably my favorite little creation on pro create so far. I even painted a canvas of it LOL. It makes me happy to look at.

*this specific collection was handcrafted in Texas during the Spring and Summer of 2020*

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